Can You Be Optimistic for 30 Days?

Can you finish this simple and life changing challenge?

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. See moments as temporary. If something bad happens know it will pass
  2. Picture the world as a combination of cause and effect, know there is no basis for predetermined outcomes either good or bad.
  3. Learn to live in the moment, forget the future and stop reminiscing. If you feel down, ask yourself: "Right now in this moment, what is wrong?"
  4. Know you can change. Intelligence, skill, fitness and other desirable attributes can be attained through work and dedication
  5. Each day take 5 minutes to pick 3 things you enjoyed.
  6. Check In Everyday!
    Even if you don't complete the challenge
Take This Challenge
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  1. Consider ending relationships with overly negative people
  2. Take a meditation challenge to improve your mindfulness and remain in the moment
  3. Read Martin Seligmans book Learned Optimism

The Stats



30 Days






Why should I use this site to take this challenge?