Make your First Million Dollars

Join this challenge to connect with other people who have declared they willl make their first million dollars

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Step 1: Declare that you have decided to take the challenge to make your first million dollars
  2. Step 2: Decide your time frame! I suggest that you pick in the year 2017, even if you do not complete it, it will motivate you when you pick your time frame.
  3. Step 3: Share the Word. Declare that you have decided that you are going to make your first million dollars. You can share on Twitter, Your Blog, on Facebook, and your other social sites. This makes the challenge real and will help you realize your possibilities.
  4. Step 4: Get others to join the challenge, and share your ideas, share the actionable steps you will take to begin making your million dollars.
  5. Step 5: Identify your challenges, and what you perceive could be setbacks. Write down all the reasons you want to pursue this and write your visualization of what it will look like once you are living a million dollar lifestyle.
  6. Step 6: Post your progress and share great ways to become a millionaire with the group
  7. Step 7: Help Others, is one of your challenge members struggling? Find out ways to help others. Pick 2 days a month to be a Help Others day, in which you spend time helping others increase their wealth.
  8. Step 8: Join the Million Dollar Challenge Book Club: Here members suggest books that will help others become a millionaire
  9. Step 9: Post Pictures of your lifestyle changes, wins, and achievements to social media using hashtag #milliondollarchallenge2017 or #myfirstmilliondollaryear
  10. Step 10: Let us know when you have achieved your success or how this challenge has pushed you and made you a better person
Take This Challenge


Sharing your Intent, Social collaboration, Creating a driven team, sharing success, helping others, financial help

The Stats



100 Days




