Slow Carb Diet Challenge

A month on the4 Hour Body SCD diet to lose weight.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. days on the diet, one free for all cheat day (no calorie counting on ANY day.)
  2. Diet plan:
  3. No white carbs (pasta, bread, sugar, wheat, rice or corn)
  4. grams of protein within an hour of waking, plus greens and beans.
  5. No fruit. No juice. No alcohol.
  6. All meats, veggies and lentils for each meal on diet days.
  7. For more info, read 4 hour body by Tim Ferris or look up the SCD diet! Great info!
Take This Challenge


Try and repeat the same meals at breakfast and lunch and only switch up dinner on diet days to make prep easier. Drink a lot of cold water. Remember that portions of these foods are larger than meals with white carbs so eat more at each meal than you normally would and eat until you are full, especially if you cut out the beans at that meal. Take pictures of your meal before eating- studies show it helps you stay more accountable and make better eating decisions. Go nuts on your cheat day! Have some beer or a dozen donuts if you want! Truly! It helps reset your metabolism after a week of keeping your body on lower calories and helps reward you to make your month last!

The Stats



30 Days




