Don't Waste A Single Moment for 7 Days

Imagine if you had a month to live: how would you spend it?

Inspired By: Leo Babauta Source: Zen Habits

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Now that you have 1 month left to live, what are you doing to do?
  2. What are you going to skip out on?
  3. Make a list of things you're not going to do: Watch TV, Browse Facebook, Sleep In
  4. Make a list of what and with whom you wish to spend your final moments with
  5. Start each day spending a few moments imagining you have one less day left
  6. Go over your lists and stick to them
  7. Do this for the 7 days of the challenge
  8. Afterwards spend some time thinking about how you wish to be remembered
  9. Spend some time reflecting on the thought that your life really is ending, not to be morbid but to appreciate how precious each moment is.
Take This Challenge
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  1. When you're imagining your life is limited to 1 month close your eyes. Now focus on the sound of the persons voice letting you know you have 1 month left. Focus on the room in which you're being told, how does it look, smell. Is the air humid or cold? What are you wearing? The more details you can visualize the more vivid and real you can make the scenario.
  2. Viewing life as temporary is a technique you can use not to develop despair but rather to appreciate the precious nature of each moment
  3. Your lists can contain literally any items you chose, the point is that the list is yours!

The Stats



7 Days






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