Contact a Loved One

Be it text, fb, call, or email...make a point to contact someone you love. Family, friend, or whoever. Make an effort to connect and let them know how much they mean to you.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Contact someone you love
  2. Say hi, you love them/miss them. They make you life better just being them. Whatever fits. Just reach out and show some love.
Take This Challenge
Why should I use this site to take this challenge?


Pick a time in your day that you have a moment. Maybe when you first wake up shoot a quick text. Show someone you woke up thinking about them. Or call mom or dad on your lunch to catch up. Whatever works for your schedule. Take a moment to put aside for what really matters. The people we love!!!

The Stats



100 Days






Why should I use this site to take this challenge?