30 Days of No Prolonged Sitting

Sitting is the new smoking. The more you sit the poorer your health, not matter how fit you are sitting takes time away from your life. Follow these simple steps to completely eliminate the negative side affects of sitting.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Recent research has show that just 5 minutes of walking every hour completely eliminates the negative impact of sitting.
  2. Every hour you aim to be walking for at least 5 minutes.
  3. You can break it up into 2.5 minutes every half hour but you can't do 10 minutes ever 2 hours. By then blood will begin to pool in your legs causing problems for your health.
Take This Challenge
Why should I use this site to take this challenge?


  1. Consistency is key
  2. Set a timer or alarm, it's easy to get caught up in your work

The Stats



30 Days






Why should I use this site to take this challenge?