Sincerely Compliment a Friend Everyday for 2 Weeks

Make someone elses day and reconnect with people you care for.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Each day pick someone who at some point of your life has meant something to you
  2. Now make contact and express your heartfelt compliment or thank you
  3. The following day choose another person
  4. Check In Everyday!
    Even if you don't complete the challenge
Take This Challenge
Why should I use this site to take this challenge?


  1. Don't preface your compliment with questions or conversation. Let the person know you were thinking of them and pay the compliment
  2. Try expressing the compliment in terms of your feelings and thoughts.
  3. You helped me X with and it changed my life because of Y
  4. When I think of the time you did X I feel Y and wanted to let you know how grateful I am for you

The Stats



14 Days






Why should I use this site to take this challenge?