Be Yourself

Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, labels, and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without the masks and pretentiousness.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Get in touch with your inner child.
  2. If you ever watch small children, you will notice just how free they are and how little they care about what other people think of them. They are happy and in the moment.They are their true natures. They have not yet been socialized to “fit in” to a society that squashes that. They don’t care if people think that they are silly while they dance in the front yard for all of the neighbors to see.
  3. Become more aware of your thoughts.
  4. Become more aware of the quality of your thinking. Allow yourself to sit quietly every morning before starting your day for just five to ten minutes.Yes, thoughts will come and go, but just allow them to do that without getting attached to them. Just observe them. When you are finished, continue observing the mind throughout your day.Becoming more aware of the quality of your thoughts, letting go of the old beliefs, and becoming more present can help in revealing your true nature.
  5. Follow your intuition.
  6. This is probably one of the most important factors in being yourself. I ignored my intuition for the longest time because I felt so obligated to others.I will tell you this, from my own personal experience. When you start following the little nudges and urges that you get, you will have hopped onto the magic carpet ride of awesomeness.It doesn’t mean that you will never have bumps in the road again, but when you are in alignment with your soul, you will always be steered in the best possible direction.
Take This Challenge
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When you let go of the old ways of thinking, follow your bliss, and do what you love, you begin to align with happiness and peace. These are all indicators that you are connected with your true nature. You are then allowing your real self to shine forth in all its glory.

The Stats



14 Days






Why should I use this site to take this challenge?