Stop Watching Telivision

Stop watching telivision, get on your feet, and discover what is possible without having a tv in front of you.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Turn off the tv. Get off the couch. If you're having trouble with this, ask someone in your house to help you resist any temptations or urges to touch the remote. And yes, obviously, video games count.
Take This Challenge


There are many things to do when your not watching tv. Some people are just screen addicts, but there is so much more than watching tv that you can do on a computer.
Try brain-stimulating games, that keep you ddicted, like sodoku, or cross-word puzzles.
Learn a new language. Play a new instrument. It might sound crazy, but there is much you can acheive with time. There are many things like this you can start to learn if you can make time.
Excercise. Something simple and easy to do, that keeps you occupied, and is incredibly good for your body.
Spend time with friends or family. That is not something everyone can often do, but spending time with family and friends makes you feel happy and is a great use of your time.
Listen to music. Not the best replacement for tv, but it has almost the same affect tv has, so it's good to subsitute music with tv for tv addicts.
Do really anything productive. Don't waste your time. The best thing, though not the easiest, to replace with tv time is finishing up work, but don't make the activity of your every waking hour.
Remember everyone can watch a little tv in a day, just don't go over the limit of 1-3 hours. Start shaving off tv time little by little, then eventually your goal will become easier. Good Luck!

The Stats



30 Days




