Learn to love yourself

Give yourself the oportunity to live a happy and healthy life

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. Make a list of all the things that you dislike about yourself and think if they are really things that matter to you or what others actually dislike about you. After you figured it out try to find a way to solve the things that actually matter and spend sometime working on them everyday ( don't overdo yourself doing this it might not be good for your health just take 5 to 10 minutes to work on each one ).
  2. Stop living for others expectations, it's crucial that you actually do it for yourself and not to please others.
  3. Hobbies are a great way to make you feel special and better with yourself. If you don't have one why not start now? It will give you a sense of achievement and boost your determination and love for yourself. You can try to learn to play an instrument, draw, write or even create a blog to help other people with the same problems ( I find this one very rewarding cause you know you are doing something for the good of others and will make you feel better with yourself ). Take 15 minutes to work in something you truly like. And if you are trying something completely new here's a tip "Practice makes perfect".
  4. You might feel like you don't have enough strength or you are simply too lazy to work on improving your abilities. If so you should consider taking the "Beat Procrastination in 30 Days" challenge.
  5. Be curious! Culture is a great way to boost your confidence knowing something your friends don't know and talk about it, explaining it to them is a great way to make yourself feel special. Choose a category you like. It could be Maths, Science, Nature, History whatever interests you and read a news about it everyday ( http://omtimes.com/ and http://thelisticles.net/ are good sites where you can find something that interests or even inspires you ). Don't just do this to impress others but to cultivate your mind and know more about the world. In time you will learn the value of knowledge and appreciate yourself for doing it.
  6. Exercise for at least 5 minutes, anything that makes your heart pump. Hormones released during exercise help reducing stress and anxiety and the training will make you feel more relaxed during the rest of the day.
  7. Finally make a journal everyday and reflect about the good things you did that day and what you accomplished. This will help you understand how important you are and what's special about yourself. Everyone is beautiful in their own way! If you have trouble acknowledging this give it some time to look for the qualities that you have and write them down everyday! After doing this for sometime you will learn your true value.
Take This Challenge


I've been there and this is how i did it! And if I could overcome my fears so can you! Don't give up on yourself you were given a tour ticked on Earth, the best thing you can do it's enjoying it to the maximum!

The Stats



30 Days




