Improve Your Maths!

Behind, students of this world: I've heard your pleas. This is something I did, and so I shall now pass it to you.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. 30 minute maths + small 10 minute test each day (these can also just be the questions from your textbook).
  2. Note down the marks for each of the tests you do.
  3. Add them together. (Addition skills)
  4. Depending on your mark scheme, grade yourself. (Percentage skills)
Take This Challenge
Why should I use this site to take this challenge?


1. Always, I mean it, use the help of maths teachers in your school. Plan the topic, go to school/college for help, come back home for the 30 minutes and test. Work made easy.
2. Use books, internet, lessons, choose any topic you struggle with.
3. It sometimes helps when you use your friend's advice, or any other adult at home. Take advice, be someone who wishes to improve and seek knowledge.
4. Record your success in maths in your journal.
5. You will remember this,

The Stats



14 Days






Why should I use this site to take this challenge?