Actively pursue your dream/goal

To actually attain your dream, you must at least first try.

How Do I Take This Challenge?

  1. No matter how insignificant, take at the very least, 1 step towards your dream each day. (e.g. If you want to learn a new instrument, then practice for a specified amount of time)
  2. Surround yourself with people who can assist you in achieving your goal. The strongest people aren't the ones who can accomplish everything by themselves, but the ones that accept help.
  3. Believe in yourself. Self confidence is the key to accomplishing anything. You can't expect to lose, and hope to win.
Take This Challenge


Don't convince yourself that it isn't worth it. The reason most dreams are that, and nothing more, is because people don't even bother trying when they think the end goal isn't even obtainable. Achieving your dream shouldn't be the objective in life. Learning lessons and experiencing new and exciting things along the way is what should keep you going. Don't over-encumber yourself with projects. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was every successful famous person's career. Take your time, and just enjoy the gradual improvements you make to yourself along the way.

The Stats



30 Days




